We are delighted to annouce the “The Lotus and the Swampland” School and conference, to be held in TSIMF, Sanya, China, from Feb. 10 to Feb. 13, 2025, hosted by the BIMSA (Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications). This event is proposed by Prof. Cumrun Vafa, who will also be attending it.
This unique event will consist of a two-day School, followed by a two-day conference. It brings together experts in the Swampland program and its application to the universe. Each distinguished speaker is expected to deliver a lecture during the School and present a talk in the conference, providing participants with a comprehensive learning experience.
The School aims to summarize lessons we have learned from string theory about quantum gravity with a focus on the Swampland program equipping attendees with new insights and practical tools.
09:15- 10:30 Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University)
Title: Introduction to the Swampland Program
References or Resources:
10:45 - 12:00 Jacob McNamara (Caltech)
Title: The Kinematic Swampland Conjectures
Main Reading:
13:45 - 15:00 Hector Parra de Freitas (Harvard University)
Title: The Landscape with High Supersymmetry (an overview)
15:15 - 16:30 Severin Luest (U. Montpellier)
Title: The landscape of less supersymmetric vacua
References or Resources:
16:45 - 18:00 Timm Wrase (Lehigh University)
Title: State of the art in moduli stabilization
Moduli stabilization is one of the most interesting and important goals in string phenomenology. After lots of new constructions and ideas in the early 2000's we have entered a phase of careful checks and scrutiny. This led to swampland conjectures that call into question the existence of dS vacua as well as scale-separated AdS vacua in string theory. I will review the current status of well-known string compactification scenarios like KKLT, LVS and DGKT as well as other ideas to stabilize moduli in string compactifications.
References or Resources:
09:15 - 10:30 Houri Tarazi (Chicago University)
Title: A journey through the non-geometric string landscape
Pedagogical introduction to orbifolds with concrete examples:
10:45 - 12:00 Gary Shiu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Title: Early Universe: Inflation and Quantun Gravity
Referece: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-19-3079-9_67-1
13:45 - 15:00 Georges Obied (Oxford)
Title: The dark dimension and cosmology in the late universe
15:15 - 16:30 Kai Xu (Harvard University)
Title: Swampland and Geometry
References or Resources:
08:30 - 09:30 Jacob McNamara (Caltech)
Title: Quantum Cobordism and Higher Factorization
09:45 - 10:45 David Wu (Harvard University )
Title: The black hole scale in quantum gravity
In this talk, I will introduce a new scale called the black hole scale which marks the inverse length (or the temperature) of the smallest Schwarzschild black hole where the EFT of quantum gravity gives a correct description of its free energy. This new scale is motivated from Swampland principles and is hard to detect from the viewpoint of the EFT. In particular, the black hole scale gets related to the Gregory-Laflamme transition in the decompactification limit and to the Horowitz-Polchinski solutions in the light perturbative string limits. Then, motivated by the identification of the black hole scale in quantum gravity, I will discuss recent progress in finding higher-dimensional analogues of the Horowitz-Polchinski solutions.
11:00 - 12:00 Hector Parra de Freitas (Harvard University)
Title: Overarching structures underlies the Landscape with 16 supercharges
08:30 - 09:30 Severin Luest (U. Montpellier)
In this talk I discuss holographic constraints on scale separated, supersymmetric AdS vacua of IIB string theory and M-theory. Their dual CFTs should have very large central charges and rather unusual properties. I first describe brane configurations that source these would-be AdS flux compactifications. Subsequently, I identify certain UV AdS geometries in the near horizon limit of these branes. Lastly, I explain how to obtain bounds on the absolute values of the cosmological constants of the AdS vacua from the central charges of the dual CFTs.
09:45 - 10:45 Timm Wrase (Lehigh University)
Title: Stabilizing all moduli in a Landau-Ginzburg model
I will discuss non-geometric flux compactifications of string theory on Landau-Ginzburg models that are dual to rigid Calabi-Yau manifolds. Minkowski vacua can be analyzed even at strong coupling, providing a rare window in this corner of the string theory landscape. We focus on the number of stabilized moduli to test the tadpole conjecture in this context. While the conjecture is confirmed, a refined version is violated and needs to be modified. We furthermore discuss the existence of Minkowski vacua in which all scalar fields are stabilized. For some of these vacua all scalars fields are massive, while others have also some massless but stabilized scalar fields.
11:00 - 12:00 Houri Tarazi (Chicago University)
Title: Exploring exotic corners of the susy and non-susy string landscape
In this talk I will discuss concrete examples of string theory compactifications that are non-geometric. From the susy perspective such examples provide us with a more complete understanding of the string theory landscape that does not come from geometry. I will also discuss the importance of such examples in connection to the Swampland program in an effort to avoid the geometric lamppost. Additionally, from the non-susy perspective moduli stabilization is an important problem. I will show that non-geometric models can provide non-susy tachyon-free examples with a single neutral scalar field, which are a source of instability. References:
14:00 - 15:00 Gary Shiu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Title: The Weak Gravity Conjecture
15:15 - 16:15 Georges Obied (Oxford)
Title: De Sitter space constraints on brane tensions and couplings
16:30 - 17:30 Kai Xu (Harvard University)
Title: Finite Landscape of 6d ${\cal N=}$(1,0) Supergravity
Feb 10 | Feb 11 | |
09:00-09:15 | Opening Remark | |
09:15-10:30 | Cumrun Vafa | Houri Tarazi |
10:45-12:00 | Jacob McNamara | Gary Shiu |
13:45-15:00 | Hector Parra de Freitas | Georges Obied |
15:15-16:30 | Severin Luest | Kai Xu |
16:45-18:00 | Timm Wrase | Performance* |
Feb 12 | Feb 13 | |
08:30-09:30 | Jacob McNamara | Severin Luest |
09:45-10:45 | David Wu | Timm Wrase |
11:00-12:00 | Hector Parra de Freitas | Houri Tarazi |
14:00-15:00 | Gary Shiu | |
15:15-16:15 | Georges Obied | |
16:30-17:30 | Kai Xu |