Lynn Heller

Sebastian Heller

Franz Pedit

Thomas Raujouan

Nicholas Schmitt

Martin Traizet


Balazs Bekesi

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Lawson surface

3D print of the genus-two Lawson surface with asymptotic line parametrization


Constant mean curvature surface with tetrahedral symmetry

Lawsonsymmetric CMC surface

Experimental genus-two constant mean curvature surface in the 3-sphere

Hopf Tori

Constrained Willmore tori obtained by taking the preimage of elastic curves under the Hopf fibration

Karcher-Pinkall-Sterling minimal surface

Tetrahedral symmetric genus-six minimal surface in the 3-sphere

Wente Torus

Compact constant mean curvature surface which is not a sphere


Nonlinear wave solitons on pseudospheres

Twisted Pseudospheres

Dini surfaces in the associate family of the pseudosphere


Delaunay associate with screw-motion symmetry

Singly Periodic

Periodic surfaces of constant curvature: twizzler, breather, unduloid, nodoid

Twizzled Torus

Equivariant CMC torus in the three-sphere with helical symmetry

Smyth Sequence

Family of Smyth surfaces with three legs and intrinsic rotational symmetry