

SurfaceCrawler screenshot

SurfaceCrawler is a tool to display surfaces in surface theory. It is written in Java using the OpenGL API for rendering.

- Rotate the surface by dragging it with your mouse.
- In order to zoom in/out, hold the control key down and drag the surface up/down.
- To translate the surface, hold the shift key down and drag it.

The presented surfaces are:

- a Sievert surface,
- two different examples of Breather surfaces,
- a Dini surface,
- a Bianchi-Pinkall surface.

If you don't have a hardware accelerated graphics card, start the Java WebStart version without shading.


I wrote SurfaceCrawler as a project of the classes "Experimentelle Mathematik I & II" by Dr. Nick Schmitt in the fall and summer of 2009/2010 at the Maths Institute of Tübingen University. Have a look at SurfaceCrawler presenting the surface gallery of the GeometrieWerkstatt. I would like to thank Nick for his endless patience while sharing his expertise and Prof. Franz Pedit for offering his ideas and the means to make this project happen. The project was supported by DFG (PE 1535/1-1, project 05124), "Surface Geometry and Integrable Systems: Theory and Experiment".


An outline of the underlying structure of SurfaceCrawler is presented in the dependency graph.


Send questions or suggestions to helmut /dot/ pitters /at/ gmail /dot/ com.

Copyright © 2010 Helmut Pitters 2010/10/07