String-Math 2025

June 23 - 28, 2025    BIMSA, Beijing, China

The String Math conference is an annual meeting that brings together researchers working at the interface of mathematics and physics, particularly in string theory, quantum field theory, and related areas. Recent advances in both fields have profoundly reshaped our perspectives and deepened the connections between them. This year, String Math 2025 will be held from June 23 to 28 at the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA).

(2011) This is the first conference in a series of large meetings bringing together mathematicians and physicists who work on ideas related to string theory. String theory, as well as quantum field theory, have contributed a series of profound ideas which gave rise to entirely new mathematical fields and revitalized older ones. The conference aims to engage the large and rapidly growing number of mathematicians and physicists working at the string-theoretic interface between the two academic fields and to facilitate the flow of ideas with mathematical techniques and ideas contributing crucially to major advances in string theory.

(2022) The series of String Math conferences has developed into a central event on the interface between mathematics and physics related to string theory, quantum field theory and related topics. The conferences have been organized annually since 2011; the conference in 2022 is organized at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (Pasteura Street 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland). The list of previous String Math conferences is here.

(2023) The University of Melbourne will host String Math July 10-14, 2023. The talks take place in the Peter Hall Building, 813 Swanston Street.

(2024) This is the 15th edition of the conference which has taken place annually since 2011. The main goal of the meeting is to bring together mathematicians and physicists who work on ideas related to string theory. This interaction and interface continues to be fruitful following decades of success.

Local Organizers


Steering Commitee

Scientific Commitee

Confirmed Speakers





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